Board of Trustees

Members of the CCHS board of trustees help preserve Chautauqua County history and the legacies of the women and men who shaped communities, culture, and industry.

Are you interested in devoting your skills and energy to the CCHS board of trustees or as a volunteer? If so, please complete this short form.

The Chautauqua County Historical Society Board of Directors posing for the camera in front of the staircase at the McClurg Museum

Cristie Herbst, President
Dr. David Brown, Vice President
Bridget Johnson, Secretary
Janese Berkhouse, Treasurer

Janese Berkhouse, 2028
Dr. Kathryn Bronstein, 2028
Dr. David Brown, 2027
Carol Hay, 2025
Marilyn Hemmer, 2025
Michelle Henry, 2025
Cristie Herbst, 2025
George P. Holt, 2025
Bridget Johnson, 2028
Timothy Nobles, 2027
Jason Sample, 2028
Brian Sherman, 2028
Josh Siliano, 2027
Mark Wilson, 2028

Administrative Coordinator
Sharon Gollnitz