Historical Society Consortium Meets

A consortium of local historical societies met at the Harmony History Center on August 24 to discuss shared interests and concerns. Attendees included 22 individuals from 14 historical museums.

Coordinated by Michelle Henry and Pam Brown, trustees of the Chautauqua County Historical Society, the group is open to anyone volunteering or working at one of the county's 25 historical organizations. 

In the past, members of the consortium benefited from a grant to train participants in proper museum practices and policies, collections care, and the purchase of museum software. Funding was also available for members to collectively purchase archival supplies.

A countywide museum brochure was printed which lists all historical destinations in the county. Copies of the brochure are available to anyone who would like to distribute them to visitors and members.

At the recent meeting, the group discussed ideas for future projects and the sharing of supplies and materials. The County Historical Society's website contains a calendar of events where local historical groups can list their programs and events. 

The consortium meets periodically and is open to members of local historical organizations who would like to participate. Contact the Chautauqua County Historical Society at 716.326.2977 for more information.

Chautauqua County Historical Society sign

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